Jun 10, 2024 - 05:25 AM
There are a couple of culprits that could be munching holes in your Heliopsis. The most likely ones are: Leaf beetles: These small, brightly colored insects love to feast on leaves, leaving behind small, round holes scattered throughout the foliage. You can identify them by their metallic bodies that come in a variety of colors, including gold, green, yellow-striped, and red-striped. Leafminers: These tiny flies leave behind winding trails or irregular patches of damage within the leaves. Adult leafminers are small and black or yellow, while the larvae are yellow, cylindrical maggots. Both these pests are mostly cosmetic threats, but a heavy infestation can weaken your plant and make it susceptible to diseases.
There are a couple of culprits that could be munching holes in your Heliopsis. The most likely ones are: Leaf beetles: These small, brightly colored insects love to feast on leaves, leaving behind small, round holes scattered throughout the foliage. You can identify them by their metallic bodies that come in a variety of colors, including gold, green, yellow-striped, and red-striped. Leafminers: These tiny flies leave behind winding trails or irregular patches of damage within the leaves. Adult leafminers are small and black or yellow, while the larvae are yellow, cylindrical maggots. Both these pests are mostly cosmetic threats, but a heavy infestation can weaken your plant and make it susceptible to diseases.