May 31, 2024 - 09:07 AM
Hostas are generally known as shade-loving plants. They thrive in areas that receive little to no direct sunlight. Their beautiful foliage can get scorched if they receive too much sun, especially afternoon sun. However, there are some varieties that can tolerate more sun than others. 'Seasons in the Sun' bright yellow may fade with too much sun, especially in the afternoon.
Here are some things to consider: Sun exposure: While most hostas prefer shade, some sun-tolerant varieties can handle a few hours of morning sun or filtered sunlight throughout the day. Climate: Hostas grown in cooler climates can tolerate more sun than those grown in hotter climates. Soil moisture: Hostas prefer moist, well-drained soil. They will need to be watered more frequently if they are planted in an area that receives full sun.
Hostas love the sun. The sun just does not like them back.
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Here are some things to consider: Sun exposure: While most hostas prefer shade, some sun-tolerant varieties can handle a few hours of morning sun or filtered sunlight throughout the day. Climate: Hostas grown in cooler climates can tolerate more sun than those grown in hotter climates. Soil moisture: Hostas prefer moist, well-drained soil. They will need to be watered more frequently if they are planted in an area that receives full sun.
Hostas love the sun. The sun just does not like them back.
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