May 20, 2024 - 03:57 AM
Yes, Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy', also commonly called White Nancy or Spotted Dead Nettle, is a good ground cover for a shaded dry area under a tree. It tolerates dry shade better than most other ground covers. Here are some of the reasons why White Nancy Lamium is a good choice for a shaded dry area: Tolerates shade and dry conditions: As mentioned earlier, White Nancy Lamium can thrive in areas that receive little sunlight and moisture. Spreads quickly to form a dense mat: This will help to suppress weeds and prevent erosion. Low maintenance: Once established, White Nancy Lamium requires very little care. It is not prone to pests or diseases. Attractive foliage and flowers: The silvery-green leaves with dark green margins are attractive even when the plant is not in bloom. The small white flowers that appear in late spring and early summer are an added bonus. However, there are also a few things to keep in mind before planting White Nancy Lamium under a tree: Tree root competition: Make sure to plant White Nancy Lamium at least a few feet away from the trunk of the tree, so that it will not have to compete with the tree for water and nutrients. Potential invasiveness: White Nancy Lamium is a fast spreader and can become invasive in some areas. Be sure to check with your lcooperative extension service to see if it is a good choice for your area.
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