May 15, 2023 - 07:51 PM
Hi, While we cannot guarantee blooms, yes, with appropriate planting and conditions, Walker's Low should bloom in MA this year if planted in May.
These are mature, field grown bare root plants that have previously had at least one bloom season. In Massachusetts, Nepeta prefers full sun and most any well-drained soil.
Will they still be blooming in early September?
This is more difficult to ‘guarantee’. Depending on conditions Walker’s Low typically starts blooming late spring/early summer through mid to late summer.
Cutting back plants by half to a third after the initial flush of flowers fade will promote reblooming and a more attractive appearance later in the season. So … if you are targeting blooms into the fall, planting bare root plants in May might be perfect timing, but be prepared to do at least some partial trimming.
Thanks for asking,
These are mature, field grown bare root plants that have previously had at least one bloom season. In Massachusetts, Nepeta prefers full sun and most any well-drained soil.
Will they still be blooming in early September?
This is more difficult to ‘guarantee’. Depending on conditions Walker’s Low typically starts blooming late spring/early summer through mid to late summer.
Cutting back plants by half to a third after the initial flush of flowers fade will promote reblooming and a more attractive appearance later in the season. So … if you are targeting blooms into the fall, planting bare root plants in May might be perfect timing, but be prepared to do at least some partial trimming.
Thanks for asking,